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Kristina Angeli became a member of the Gen-Tec Nutrition Pro Athlete family towards the end of 2019. You may have seen her posts on Instagram, but now let us take you behind the scenes and get to know the newest bodybuilder on the block.

Gen-Tec Nutrition: Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to have a chat with us, but tell us a bit about your fitness background.

Kristina: I started competing in bodybuilding back in 2014 and powerlifting in 2018, but it was actually my Dad that got me into fitness. He would train three times a week for as long as I can remember...and still does. He would challenge me to see who could do the most chin-ups and sit-ups. I first entered a gym when I was 12 years old and got my very own membership at 16 years of age. I still remember needing Dad to drive me there and sign me in. Since then, I’ve been training religiously ever since. I love powerlifting, so don’t even put me down for cardio.

Gen-Tec Nutrition: Wow, that’s dedication. What are you currently working towards fitness-wise?

Kristina: Since I compete in both bodybuilding and powerlifting, my current goals are stepping stones towards my ultimate goals. Firstly, to make it to the IFBB Pro League Olympia stage and secondly, get a national or international benchpress record in the 52/57kg class. I don’t believe in dreaming small. I am currently in prep for Arnolds 2020 (IFBB).

Gen-Tec Nutrition: Trying to balance work/life and family can be really hard. So many people say they simply don’t get time to exercise, so how on earth do you manage a career and being a professional athlete?

Kristina:As a management consultant, my career improving the way large organisations do business, work can involve long hours and periods of intensity, so to ensure I can always get my training in. I train in the mornings – this means a 4 am wake up call.

Gen-Tec Nutrition: Tell us a bit about your fitness routine…

Kristina: As I’m a bodybuilder and powerlifter I train for both strength and physique goals. My training normally includes my cardio first. Same concept as eating your veggies first and saving the best for last. This is followed by compound lifts, such as squats/bench/deadlifts, and then my accessories, (bodybuilding style, hypertrophy, and body part isolation training). My sessions can last between 1.5–3 hours depending on my goals. I will manipulate my training to suit my upcoming competitive goals, but ill also take into account my career and lifestyle goals. I think this is often overlooked but the key to making training sustainable.

Gen-Tec Nutrition: We have to ask this question. What’s your favourite Gen-Tec Nutrition product and why?

Kristina: P2P! Hands-down. I mean, there are so many. But this product has changed the game for me during my training sessions. I train at 4:30 am for about 2 hours. No normal person has the energy to lift heavy at that time or sustained energy for that duration of time. I find that P2P gives me both. Bonus – the flavours taste like candy.

Gen-Tec Nutrition: What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

Kristina:Don’t do it to prove them wrong, do it to prove yourself right.

Gen-Tec Nutrition: What's one thing you never leave home without?


Gen-Tec Nutrition: If you could have a dinner party with 3 people who would you invite?

Kristina:My Mum, my Dad, my sister. Family is everything.

Gen-Tec Nutrition: What music do you listen to while training? What gets you inspired?

Kristina: I am a mixed bag. Hard rock, dirty pop, old school hip-hop, electronica. My music choices depend on my lifts. For bodybuilding style training I prefer something more upbeat, whereas powerlifting requires something darker.

Gen-Tec Nutrition: What's your go-to cheat meal?

Kristina: I get asked this all the time! I am not a fan of the old ‘cheat’ meal. But to give an answer, I always look for a glass of wine and chicken schnitzel post comp or a big breakfast!

Gen-Tec Nutrition: What's one thing you wished you knew when you were 10 years old?

Kristina: Not to listen to them – dream bigger, and wilder.

Gen-Tec Nutrition: What's your most embarrassing gym moment (everyone has them!)

Kristina:Mine is my face during my third attempt deadlift at a comp. The best ones are when you get the knee shakes, while your face is bright purple and distorted. I have uploaded all of these attempts on my Instagram (miss_kristina_angeli). Great for a laugh.

Gen-Tec Nutrition
: What's the last book you read?

Kristina:The Mindful Athlete – George Mumford. This book changed my life and you should all read it.

Gen-Tec Nutrition:
What's the last podcast you listened to?

Kristina:The Bikini Podcast – Troy Thornton.

Gen-Tec Nutrition: Thanks for spending time with us. You’ve been amazing and inspirational. We wish you all
the best for your upcoming competition and can’t wait to see where this fitness journey takes you.

Kristina: No thank you. So excited to be part of a family-focused, friendly and supportive team of athletes.

Nick Jones
Nick Jones

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