The best indicator is if you hit weight loss (body fat) plateaus that you seemingly cannot break through despite hours of gruelling cardio and clean eating. This is one of the most common problems people face with their physique goals and simply doing more of the same won’t solve the problem.
As the saying goes, “if you always do what you’ve always done you’ll always get what you’ve always got”.
Bodybuilders have known about the body's starvation response to very low calorie dieting for decades. That's why they zig zag their calories, refeed 1-2 days a week, cycle and deplete carbs and cycle their training matrix. This keeps the metabolic rate burning and ideally speeding up over time.
Unfortunately a lot of people are not privy to this information and have been left in the dark when it comes to the tricks of the trade to maximise metabolic burn rates and stripping body fat fast.
The starvation response kept humans alive throughout our evolution in times of famine when food was scarce. The body slowed down its operating system to preserve energy (a bit like the low battery function on your phone) and this allowed people to survive in prolonged periods of very little food.
Whilst great news for mankind, it is not great news for everyday people in 2021 trying to get lean if they DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW IT WORKS and what to do.
GENTEC Founder Nick Jones is a world champion bodybuilder walking around in a world class physique everyday, not just 2-3 days of the year at competition time. He is widely regarded as one of the most humble, knowledgeable, researched guys in the bodybuilding community and his passion is helping EVERYONE he meets to create, sustain and further enhance world class physiques.
This is the very reason he created GENTEC NUTRITION some 20+ years ago and now he has cracked the code for anyone wanting to break through a plateau and achieve fat loss results.
“I am pumped about the launch of THERMO FUEL for fat loss during and post cardio workouts. This could be the missing link for a lot of people and reset their metabolism and their adrenals to release stored body fat for fuel” says Jones.
The other exciting breakthrough with THERMO FUEL is that due to its proprietary blend of thermogenic ingredients and unique compounds, it increases EPOC (excess post exercise oxygen consumption). This is MASSIVE for metabolising stored body fat for fuel both during and now post workout too. Jones believes “with this unique formulation I believe people can turn their body into an automatic fat burning machine post workout leveraging the EPOC window, getting 2x the fat loss effects after you train and not just during.
It is time to CUT THE STORY and the feeling of “less than” and start to USE THE SCIENCE on hand today to EXPEDITE your fat loss success. When you are armed with science and understand the human body's brilliant evolutionary biology, you can melt away the fat without starving yourself and living in the gym.
Jones has a different lifestyle these days but the results are the same; “I love training, it is in my blood but today I only train a fraction of what I used to because of the life I live today. I am blessed to have 3 amazing young children with my beautiful wife Angela, and I simply don't have the time to live in the gym like I once did, but I can still achieve the same results because now I know smarter, more effective ways to diet and train AND YOU CAN TOO”.
The 2 biggest problems people have with fat loss is;
THERMO FUEL IS FORMULATED specifically to kick start metabolism and restore adrenal function to open the fat burning doors and prime people for cardio fat loss workouts (body and mind at its best, in the zone optimised for fat loss). This is a cardio specific supplement designed to open the fat burning door and get people into fat burn mode faster.
90% of people doing cardio do it to;
They are not doing it simply because they love it or only want to get fit. They are doing it to GET LEAN, but this is the missing link for many of those people and they often end up FIT AND FAT from lots of cardio and also lots of the wrong foods, overeating from training too hard for too long.
SPECIAL OFFER TODAY - CLICK HEREYou can rehabilitate a slow metabolism and get it firing AAA+ again, or maybe even for the first time ever and you can recover from adrenal fatigue and restore adrenal function.
Not only do you train better on THERMO FUEL you feel better throughout the day because of the proprietary blend formulation in THERMO FUEL. Make no mistake, this is a first! This is new, this is exciting, this is like no other product you have seen before.
This is the #1 CARDIO WORKOUT fat loss supplement YOU WILL EVER USE to radically improve results. The team at GENTEC spent 3 years formulating this supplement after comprehensive SWOT analysis on a select pilot trial group assessing their goals, body fat sticking points, metabolic damage and ability to rehabilitate metabolism to its optimal function.
The results were clear... People needed a supplement to kick start their metabolism and reset their adrenals to create an optimal fat burning zone.
The results were clear... People needed THERMO FUEL and now you can finally leverage this powerful weapon in your training arsenal too.
TO CELEBRATE the exciting launch of this GAME CHANGER SUPPLEMENT (and create a word of mouth explosion) the team at GENTEC are offering