Hi Laura!
Congrats on being the latest member of Team Gen-Tec. Welcome to the team. Can
you introduce yourself to our audience?Hi! My name is
Laura Sgro — soon to be Laura Tedeschi — also known as Pocketrocket. I am a personal
trainer at Power Elite in Sydney, owned by Scott Hill. I have been working
under Scotty for about [...]
In July 2018, Gen-Tec Nutrition athlete
and champion strongman Jordan ‘Biggie’ Steffens successfully pulled an 80-tonne
Qantas 737, just weeks after pulling 155-tonne train. We speak to him about his
recent record-breaking events and what he has coming up in the future.
First of all,
congratulations on your recent plane pull. Can you tell us all about the event
and the [...]
by Interview by Davin SgargettaSeptember 06, 20197 min read
Gen-Tec Nutrition athlete and champion natural
bodybuilder Nathan Wallace talks about how he manages to juggle business,
family and training in order to lead a balanced life. Do you have a
renewed appreciation for people who can train and compete with so much on their
plate?Well, obviously running a business is one thing; for a
lot of people that’s [...]